Remembering Ella
Woman’s Legacy Impacts Elder Connections
William Howard Taft was president. The Titanic had not yet sunk. It would still be eight more years until women were allowed to vote, and in 1911 Ella Reiter was born in New Jersey.
It seems that only yesterday, Elder Connections was celebrating the 100th birthday of Ella Reiter. Now, sadly, we remember her life and the wisdom that she imparted.
Being around Ella was always an encouraging and uplifting experience. Throughout her life she volunteered in the name of basic human goodness. She treated people with true kindness and respect.
Senior’s Zest for Life
Ella’s amazing zest for life was evident in her many interests including music, literature, writing poetry and making friends. During meal times at her retirement communty you could find Ella in the dining room sitting with her friends – and she had many.
She was a rare combination of competence and compassion. Her pride and joy were her two children — a son and a daughter.
Ella stayed active, ate well and always looked forward to the future. When interviewed on her 100th birthday, Ella said, “Turning 100 only means thankfulness to me, that my brain still works the way it should,” and it did.
Ella Reiter made the world a better place and will remain a role model for aging gracefully.
About the Author
Lois Young-Tulin, PhD, is an Assistant Geriatic Care Manager at Complete Care Strategies