As our parents age, we want them to be able to remain independent and live comfortably in their own homes. However, home safety for seniors takes center stage, and their homes may require modifications and safety upgrades to prevent falls and injuries. As Aging Life Care Managers and Certified Aging in Place Specialists, we can help assess your parent’s home and implement changes to support their safety and independence.

Here are some tips for creating a safe home environment for your senior parent:

Remove Tripping Hazards

Look for loose rugs, clutter, and cords that can cause falls. Install handrails on both sides of stairways. Improve lighting throughout the home so they can see obstacles clearly.

Adapt the Bathroom

Install grab bars near the toilet and in the tub/shower. Use a shower chair and hand-held shower head. Make sure the water temperature is set to prevent burns. Consider a raised toilet seat for easier transfers.

Update the Kitchen

Ensure dishes and food items are within easy reach. Install lever-style handles on doors and faucets. Use rocker light switches. Organize cooking utensils in easy-access drawers. Upgrade the stove to have an automatic off switch or use specific pots that, when removed, shut off the stove.

Create a Fall Recovery Plan

Make sure your parent can call for help if they do fall. Have phones accessible on each level of the home. Post emergency numbers. Consider a medical alert system.

Provide Home Safety Modifications

Install handrails on exterior steps and widen doorways for walker access. Improve lighting and reduce glare. Lower cabinets/counters. Update flooring to avoid slipping.

How to Choose a Specialized Health Advocate For Aging

As an Aging Life Care Manager, we can conduct a full home safety assessment and coordinate any needed modifications or services to support your parent’s safety and independence. Contact us today to learn more!

About the Author

As CEO of Complete Care Strategies, Rebecca Roskey-Brunner leverages over 20 years of experience as a Registered Nurse and Certified Care Manager to serve clients with special needs, the medically complex, and older adults facing health challenges to improve their quality of life. As an Aging Life Care Professional, Rebecca brings deep expertise in individualized care planning, dementia care, care coordination, and crisis prevention for vulnerable seniors.