Linda Fodrini-Johnson, Nat’l Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers, Dr. Lewis M. Cohen & Beverly Bernstein Joie, Elder Connections
End of Life Issues
At no other time in history have the issues related to end of life presented us with such challenges. We are being confronted as human beings with some of the most perplexing issues about how we choose to interface with our mortality and that of the people we love.
Care Management Leads the Way
Last week I attended The Mid Atlantic Chapter Conference of the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers in Fairfax VA. The conference was entitled “Care Management Leads The Way: Navigating Through the Healthcare Continuum”. Among the presenters was Dr. Lewis M. Cohen, an internationally known psychiatrist from Tufts University School of Medicine.
Real Search at End of Life
In his book, No Good Deed, Dr. Cohen’s account of two nurses reads like a murder mystery. But, while death does occur in this rendering, the circumstances of death compel us to pay attention to the issues before us. His powerful story is based upon real people who as professionals were caring for terminally ill patients. Accused of the death of their charges, Dr. Cohen reveals what happens in these examples and others when end-of-life decisions are played out in hospitals, courtrooms and in the church. He explores all sides of the controversy while examining a modern health system with the technical ability to prolong life while keeping in mind the real life issues of those who are suffering and dying.
Compassion in Health Care
We were all moved by Dr. Cohen’s tale of end-of –life issues and the human beings who attempt to serve this population with compassion in a health care climate that does not always support them. The presentation came to life to those present when both Linda Fodrini-Johnson of the Aging Life Care Association and I were selected to portray the nurses in the book. The book and the issues portrayed came to life as we lived the nurses’ experiences. For all those caring for others as either professionals or family members, this is a must read!
About the Author
Beverly Bernstein Joie is the founder and president of Complete Care Strategies, a senior care management company serving Philadelphia and its surrounding communities. A Certified Aging Life Care Manager with more than 20 years of experience, Beverly has worked in senior care since 1994, both in assisted living communities and in private practice. She is a member of the Aging Life Care Association and was a former president of the Philadelphia Chapter.
Complete Care Strategies consists of care managers, specialized human service professionals, who advocate and direct the care of seniors and others facing ongoing health challenges. Working with families, its expertise provides the answers at a time of uncertainty. Along with its licensed home care division, it can help clients safely remain at home under the watchful eye of skilled professionals. Families are afforded an integrated model of care that, with guidance and advocacy, lead them to the actions and decisions that ensure quality care and an optimal life for those they love