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The Philadelphia Museum of Art is, indeed, an educational friendly, user friendly and accessibility friendly institution – one of Philadelphia’s finest.

When our client, who is confined to a wheelchair with MS and has compromised vision, expressed an interest in seeing Picasso’s and Impressionist and Modern art work, Complete Care Strategies’ wheels started turning. The results were amazing.

Not only does the Philadelphia Museum of Art have an “Education: Accessible Programs” department, fully staffed, but they also provide free admission for personal attendants, a guide who will take us around for no charge and, at our request, focus a tour on specific exhibitions, such as Picasso and Modern and Contemporary Art. What a treat!

Our tour was scheduled for 2PM and we were told to arrive 15-30 minutes beforehand. There was a wheelchair accessible ramp and entrance to the museum, as well as friendly and helpful museum employees to tell us where to check in and meet our guide.

Sure enough, Deena Gerson, our personal guide, met us and we began a comprehensive, educational, and fun-filled tour. Deena was amazing! She made sure our client could get up close to see the paintings and sculptures, was intuitive about when to move on into another room, and very enthusiastic about her subject. What a pleasure! Deena is well-informed, friendly, interesting, enthusiastic and performed above and beyond her job as a guide. Her timing was perfect; she knew when to move on and when to elaborate further on the art. She was knowledgeable, had a sense of humor and obviously treasured the museum’s collections.

It was a perfect match, although I can’t imagine Deena not being able to be a perfect match for anyone.



Brotherly Love.

Philadelphia is not only a major art center, but has proven itself to be a city that is proud to accommodate people with special needs.

Lois Young-Tulin

Lois Young-Tulin, PhD, is an Assistant Geriatric Care Manager at Complete Care Strategies