by Complete Care Strategies | Better Senior Care Blog
BY: Beverly Bernstein Joie, MS, CMC President Elder Connections Getting Down to Business After Loss When a loved one dies, there are so many orders of business. There’s a funeral to arrange, a will to probate, people to contact, and decisions to make. ... by Complete Care Strategies | Caregiver's Resource
Family, Friends and Community The Friends Home in Kennett has been serving older adults for over 100 years with quality care at an affordable price. The Home has a strong tradition of encouraging independence and dignity of each person. We offer a family like... by Complete Care Strategies | Caregiver's Resource
Living at The Watermark at Logan Square means having all the benefits of Independent Living, Assisted Living, Comprehensive Health care Services, Memory Care as well as on-site Rehabilitation, and Skilled Care, if and when the need arises. Affordable and... by Complete Care Strategies | Better Senior Care Blog
BY: Dolores T. Magid, MEd, CMC Vice President Elder Connections Cousin Hannah made it very clear. She wanted to go on a cruise and she wanted my husband and me to go with her. This invitation landed on us like a ton of bricks. We knew that she was unable... by Complete Care Strategies | Better Senior Care Blog
BY: Beverly Bernstein Joie, MS, CMC President, Elder Connections My Story On December 16, 2009, my mother did not answer the phone. I had experiences like this many times before. Was she in the bathroom, getting the mail, or asleep? I had...