by Complete Care Strategies | Complete Care Strategies
Remember when your parents were lecturing you on the rules for taking the car for a spin? Dad would put his face in front of yours and say, “Are you listening?” Of course you would say “sure” even though your... by Complete Care Strategies | Complete Care Strategies
Can a grateful heart enhance your health? A growing body of research says, “Yes.” Gratitude, as a conscious practice, offers a whole host of health benefits. Gratitude promotes physical and emotional... by Complete Care Strategies | Complete Care Strategies
Aside from confusion and memory loss, which are common hallmarks associated with Alzheimer’s disease, paranoia is systematic of the illness as well. Not only does this condition rear its ugly head with Alzheimer’s, but it also affects people with other mental... by Complete Care Strategies | Complete Care Strategies
Medications can be very beneficial to the lives of older adults, but there are risks that must be considered. Medications can help control symptoms of chronic diseases and prevent adverse... by Complete Care Strategies | Complete Care Strategies, Uncategorized
As your parents get older, how can you be sure they’re taking care of themselves properly and staying healthy? When you visit your aging parents, ask yourself the following questions. Then,...
by Complete Care Strategies | Complete Care Strategies
“Each time an individual tells part of his/her life story, those who listen are like a mirror, reflecting and affirming their lives.” – John Kurtz, founder, International Institute of Reminiscence and Life Review. Remembering the past can bring a new awareness to the...